If you purchased an item and it’s not working as intended, or if it’s a cosmetic item, you can ask for a refund if you contact Support (support@nimblegiant.com) immediately. Please read these considerations carefully before doing so.
- The time limit for refunds is 24 hours between the purchase and the report. If the request wasn't sent during this period of time, the refund cannot be completed.
- The item had to be available in the Item Mall at the time the refund was requested.
- The item had to be purchased by the customer requesting the refund. We do not refund gifts, prizes or promotional items.
- The item has to be in the inventory of the character that purchased it. This means that, if the item is a consumable, it cannot be refunded once it’s correctly used.
Refunds are available for the following cases:
- Nonconformity on a cosmetic item.
- Technical errors in the implementation of the item (Which needs to be confirmed by Support first)